Lester F. Bishop
Grand Rapids, Mich. - 1919
Photo from collection of
Lester Bishop
Courtesy of David Balanky
Lester F. Bishop
Roseswift Co. Introduces New Plan at Local Flying Field

     Pilots Fish Hassell and Bishop of the Roseswift Airplane Fleet inagurated a new policy Sunday at the flying field on the old fair grounds south of the city on the Madison-av. road when they made flights with two passengers instead of one. The new Curtiss Standard planes purchased this winter have a lifting capacity sufficient for three average sized persons and the two pilots have made a series of tests with two passengers.
     Sunday the first flights with two passengers were made and worked so successfully that the company proposed to rebuild one and perehaps two of the Standard plane fuselages in order to make room for two passengers. Carrying two in the rear cockpit the Standard got away just as readily, climbed just as rapidly and seemed even more stable than usual and the Standard is so inherently balanced that pilots who enjoy thrills in handling a plane call it "the cow of the air."
Clipping from collection of Lester Bishop
Coutesy of David Balanky

Middleville to Be Visited by
Roseswift Airplane Saturday
       On Saturday next Middleville will be visited by one of the Roseswift airplanes from the Grand Rapids field. The machine, a Curtiss biplane, will be sent here in the forenoon and will pass the day in carrying passengers and satisfying the curiosity of spectators. Accompanying it will be Morris G. Rosenthal, who wazs first managere of the Globe Knitting Mills at this place and who will be glad to greet all his old friends.
     The pilot will be L. F. Bishop, who is a veteran in this work, having been the first pilot in the aerial mail service between Cleveland and Chicago, and who was also in the government mail service between New York and Washington.
     This will furnish an opportunity for those who failed to "catch a ride" last summer to satisfy their longings, and many of the fellows who were up in the air at that time have manifested a desire to repeat the experiment.
     Arthur Rosenthal, manager of the company, will also be in the party to greet his acquaintances and assist in looking after the details.
Clipping from the collection of Lester Bishop
courtesy of David Balanky
