Bartolomeo Cattaneo
Cattaneo Family
Bartolomeo is seen standing, second from the right
Collection of Franco Maccare
Submitted by Giovanni Giorgetti,

Dizionario Biografico dell'Aeronautica Italiana
"Biographical dictionary of the Italian Air Force"

by Enea Grossi
(Translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-6-05)
CATTANEO, Bartolomeo
1895 - 1928
     He was born on January 30, 1883, in Grosotto (Sondrio - Italy). He earned his French Pilot's License, in a monoplane, in Pau (France) in January 1910. He has Italian License No. 2.
     In 1909, he flew over Russia without a license in a Voisin aeroplane. He participated in almost every contest during the first years of aviation, setting many record and winning many prizes. (Reims, Lilla, Blackpool and Lanhard).
     He was the first to fly over Argentina on December 17, 1910. Later he set the world record for the longest flight over the sea, 74 km, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.
     He won several aerobatic contests competing with Garros and Domenjos. He was also an instructor in many Italian schools from 1915 to 1918.
     After the war, he started to fly for civil aviation with his own airplane in Milan and Catania; then he went to Brasil on behalf of some Italian businessmen.
     He was decorated with the Croce di Cavaliere della Corona d'Italia (Cross of Knight of Italy's Crown).
     He died in Sào Paulo, Brasil in 1949.
     He was a pioneer of Italian aviation.
Editor's Note: You can find a description of the book, along with the original Italian text of the entry, by scrolling down toward the bottom of this page.

Bartolomeo Cattaneo
Edolo visto dalla Terrazza dell'Albergo Risorgimento (Proprietaria Perlotti Fedele)
Edolo seen from the Terrace of the Hotel Renaissance (Proprietor Perlotti Fedele)

Hometown of the Cattaneo relatives
Collection of Franco Maccare
Submitted by Giovanni Giorgetti,

Risorgimento Hotel
Hotel Risorgimento
Bartolomeo's uncle was the landlord of the Hotel
Collection of Franco Maccare
Submitted by Giovanni Giorgetti,

VICO - Home of Bartolomeo's Mother
Collection of Franco Maccare
Submitted by Giovanni Giorgetti,

Bartolomeo Cattaneo
Cattaneo in Sondrio with his Niece - 1929
Collection of Franco Maccare
Submitted by Giovanni Giorgetti,

     If you search for "Bartolomeo Cattaneo -catholic ", using the Google search engine, (10-30-05), you will find about 66 links.
Bartolomeo Cattaneo
     This page on the Chiari Galli - Guida Turistica della Provincia de Sondria website offers one of the few biographies of him which I have been able to find. The web site is written in Italian, which I can't read, so I have produced the following version in English, with the help of the Babelfish machine translation program.

"Bartolomeo Cattaneo (Grosio 1883 - S. Paul of Brasi them 1949) was one spericolato pioneer of the space, would say today, repeatedly primatista Italian of aerial flight passed its giovinezza to Grosotto and tied its name to those spericolate air enterprises that then, as today for the flights it spaces them, increased of blow the pullings of newspapers. Its enterprises in some articles of the "Courier of the Evening" of september 1910 are brought back. In they the real dimension of the courage and the daring of the pilot becomes well who took risks on wings of burlap and deafening motors in skies of average world. --"
     If you can read Italian, you can access the original article by clicking on the title above.

Eroi e Pionieri Dell'Ala
Dizionario Biografico dell'Aeronautica Italiana
"Biographical dictionary of the Italian Air Force"
by Enea Grossi
Product Details
Cloth: 122 pages;
Publisher; Milano Arti Grafiche Fratelli Magnani - 1934
CATTANEO, Bartolomeo
1883 - 1949

Selection courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-6-05
     Nato il 30 gennaio 1883 a Grosotto (Sondrio), brevettatosi pilota aviatore per monoplano a Pau (Francia), brevetto francese nel gennaio 1910, brevetto italiano n. 2.
     Nel 1909 in Russia, senza brevetto, aveva volato con un Voisin. Partecipò a quasi tutte le gare dei primi anni dell'aviazione, aggiudicandosi molti record e premi (Reims, Lilla, Blackpool, Lanhart). Il 17 dicembre 1910 volò per primo in Argentina, indi si aggiudicò il record del mondo per un lungo volo (km 74) eseguito su di un braccio di mare volando da Buenos Aires a Colonia del Sacramento.
     Vinse diverse gare d'acrobazia contro Garros e Domenjos. Dal 1915 al 1918 fu istruttore in molte scuole d'Italia.
     Nel dopo guerra con apparecchio proprio fece dell'aviazione civile a Milano e Catania ed indi fu nel Brasile per incarico d'industriali italiani. Insignito della Croce di Cavaliere della Corona d'Italia.
     Morì a San Paolo del Brasile nel 1949.
     Pioniere dell'aviazione italiana.
Dal Libro "EROI E PIONIERI DELL'ALA" Dizionario Biografico dell'Aeronautica Italiana; di Enea Grossi; Milano Arti Grafiche Fratelli Magnani - 1934

Vicende Storiche...

by Franco Maccare
Publisher: Tipografia Valfrigna
Esine - 1987
     The Bartolomeo Cattaneo life, written by his great grandson, Franco Maccare. So far, I can't find any more information about the book.

Bartolomeo Cattaneo

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