  S. Jerwan  
Jerwan, d'Eynde y Montanelli
Collection of Juan Manuel Quesada, 12-16-05

Introductory Notes by
Juan Manuel Quesada
“Shakir Saliba Jerwan (1881-1942) Was born the 16 of February of 1881 in Beirut Lebanon, that at that time was part of Syria. Its family era of Batroum, Lebanon. He was son of the Reverendo Saliba Jerwan, that was the first protestant evangelical shepherd in being ordered in Lebanon born in the average east? and of Mrs. Farida Saliba, ophtalmologist.

She arrived at E.E.U.U with his three brothers Fuad (who worked with Jerwan in aviation aspects) Amin and Samuel.

Jerwan along with comprised of the first class of the “Moisant Aviation School” Harriet Quimby, Matilde Moisant, Ferdinand E. DeMurias of Cuba and Harold Kantner and obtained the license of pilot Not 54 in August of 1911. He was student of Andre Houpert, who had graduated as well as the School of Blériot in France.
After graduating as pilot one became jumbled in writing instructions on flight and in the design of it airplane reaching enough popularity in the branch, reason for which Alfred J. Moisant named head of pilots, instructor and general manager of the Moisant Aviation School

On Minerly Wilson I have not found information, Miguel Idígoras Fuentes narrates solely that after its stay in Guatemala it was distinguished in the European war.

On the unfolding of these two aviators in Guatemala there are two versions that contradict a little. The one of Alberto of the Riva and the one of Miguel Idígoras Fuentes. (Directory General of Guatemala)

Both agree in which Jerwan arrived at Guatemala after the 15 from June of 1915 like substitute of Muvin Wood and who later would arrive Wilson. In no article of national press it is mentioned to Jerwan before the 15 of June of 1915.

The version of Idígoras Fuentes seems more exact to me, after all the moment lived, already Of the Riva had retired.

There am the version of Idígoras Fuentes here: “

The aeronautical activities had a backwater in Guatemala, there for the year of 1915. Mister competent Wood American pilot, had returned to its country, but I am left in Guatemala Italian mechanic Manlio Montanelli. The lack of pilot did not diminish in an apex the dynamic activity of Don Manlio. Besides to maintain in good state the “Moinsant” it bipleases, with motor “rotating Gnome” of eighty horsepowers - being well of Don Manuel (Manuel Estrada Goatherd had to be Blériot XI) was dedicated to construct a national airplane, exact copy of the “Moranne”, that years back habia destroyed taking to Alberto of the Riva inside (that is the Nieuport, which according to of the Riva it served solely to train to run it in the field, does not stop to fly) to this new airplane moved motro “Anzani”, of sixty and five horsepowers, whose case was fused in Guatemala, in the factories “Blond”. It showed in relief the national shield, and I create to remember the pomposa phrase “made in Guatemala”, that was a hope.

In the middle of that year, we withdrew some officials of the Military school and our first impulse went to pass us to the Aviation school
Montanelli received to us with the open arms

Just a short time later, it arrived new Pilot Mister S.S. Jerwan, of Syria, but naturalized origin American. It takes - because number 53 still lives of antiquity of the Flying club of America. He was director of the first Aviation school of the United States, where I teach to Wood and to many American and Mexican Pilots who appeared later as great aces. The Mexican General Saline, was his student there.

Mister Jerwan was the prototype of the prudent Aviator, more prudent still than Colonel the Distinguished Garci'as. It always looked for upper the percentage of security, discarding all cause that depended on negligence or distraction. Every day, when arriving at the field, although it did not have to fly, it made a meticulous review to him to the apparatus.

Days before Montanelli finished the national airplane, the Mexican Aviator arrived at the country Carlos Combal, who had made his learning in France. Combal got to appear later as good Pilot in its mother country and died some years ago, of one attacks the heart, moment before rising in a “Farman” with several passengers.

It seems that he is ingénito in our Aviators to be spent a bordering rivalry in hatred. Jerwan and Combal were hated until death, to Jerwan the flight characteristics of the airplane copied by Montanelli did not seem good to him, and showed that he would not be he who tried it; but to the knowledge that Combal was prepared to make such test in a fixed day, by that pecadillo of which we spoke, arrived he, madrugador, to the field, encasquetó in the “Moranne” chapín (modified Nieuport), slid to the South end of the level one, and after sending to vos in neck, certain phrase in Syrian, directed to Combal, signaled and we loosen it. It is good for remembering that being small the Mars field, was accustomed that the assistants took hold strongly of the airplane, whereas the Pilot gave to the motor all the march. When it considered that the motor rendered its maximum power, removed an arm, signal to leave it in freedom. It airplane them did not have board, and to verify the power of the airplane, was moored to a post by means of a cable, in whose means a dynanometer “weighed” the force of the motor. Memory that the “Moisant” (modified Nieuport) was normal, when it arrived more at four hundred pounds or. Fast Deslizóse the airplane and to the one hundred meters took off. It passed the cypresses of the North side, like a five meters of the glasses. The wings, it affluent memory, moved in a cross-sectional balance, despite the tranquillity of the atmosphere, and that is characteristic of that they are going stall of speed. Like a thousand meters of the departure point, and to forty of height, the “Moranne” (Modified Nieuport) went into spin, on the left side and it crashed in a house. Jerwan underwent a tremendous cerebral commotion, rasgadura of the hairy leather and the momentary breakup of a vertebra, that they retained to him in bed more than three months.

When Jerwan, could speak, threw the fault to the mechanic; whereas this one was defended, saying that the fear had forced the Aviator to do a turn closed or that talvez was had in a faint.

Of the rest of the airplane, Montanelli, that was untiring, constructed a pingüino, small plane of short wings, with motor “Anzani” of three cylinders, that served like training airplane, for “learning to run” the aviation classes they were more theoretical than practical, and those of mechanics to the inverse one. If not outside through the incentive to obtain a flight like passenger in the “Moisant”, (Blériot XI) with occasion of some national date, we had passed it very badly the students.

The activities were suspended very frequently. Carecia of spare part pieces and it was necessary to make the order to the United States. The students we absented ourselves of the School, we played pole with Jerwan or we learned games malabares with Combal.

The minister of promotion of that time, bought in the United States an airplane blue color, with wings of taube, monoplane with motor “Gyros” bipleases. Contracted to handle it and to give it in flight, Mister arrived Wilson Minerly, accompanied of its wife. It was under body, thin and like of twenty-two years of age. The airplane had to fly day 30 of June of 1916. Days before Minerly began its tests. It ran to all the length of the field, without obtaining that the airplane took off. Later plafond was known that his was only of three thousand feet, and we are to five thousands

The 28 of June, to eight in the morning and when the field was crowded of troops, reviewing the march who had to verify the 30, removed to Minerly its machine to make the last attempt. The soldiers did space to him. After warming up the motor and giving two races without success, he prepared himself to give the last one. Minerly was everything a man and an excellent aviator, but the opposed pole of Jerwan, in a matter of prudence. Sent the airplane to all gas, when arriving at average field, it twisted for the precipice, and in an impulse to which already nobody could be against, it was sent to the depression and it managed to enter in line of flight, like five meters more under the level of the level one.
All we hoped with the suspended heart, the outcome. Minerly followed the precipice made the North and it was lost of Vista, and it knows God that prodigal made to manage to take height. A quarter of an hour later, we saw him come towards the South, on the cypresses of the edge. The airplane brought the macabre balance of the tragedies. She wanted to land immediately, but the troops had inrrumpido on the field, other people's the heads to which was going to happen. It followed towards the South, and when arriving on the maizales of Mr. Joaquin Mont, the airplane collapsed on the left wing and went into spin.
A land just plowed, ahíto of pluvial waters, was the place where percutó the airplane. In order to extract to Minerly, there was necessity of an axe, so was surrounded in the rest of his ship. Two months of bed in the Military Hospital, were sufficient to put it of discharge. A wound that suffered in the beard closed to him bad: like when a vest buttons, skipping itself a button. It arrives exceeded lip to him and down it needed chin. They counted, months later, that Minerly, suffering in silence bloody pains, when returning to State United was made operate again, a wood chip found in the wound was worth strong indemnification to him of our Government. Minerly was distinguished later in the European war.

“I make a small parenthesis to comment out some to
narration of Idígoras Fuentes:

1º of July of 1916 in page 8, the Newspaper of America Center registers - Remarkable Maneuvers conducted by Shakir Saliba Jerwan during the celebrations of the 30 of June, that day in which already Minerly Wilson no longer could fly. Nevertheless already the press did not take care of aviation with the enthusiasm that did it at the outset. In this opportunity they publish a small article in inner pages solely, without photographies neither the more

In the network of Internet it appears the list by countries of “aces” of aviation, talk about “aces solely” when the pilot arrived at the five derribamientos from it airplane enemy. In this list they appear neither Minerly Wilson, nor the Captain Baron René d' Eynde to that ahead talks about Idígoras Fuentes; nevertheless that does not mean that they have not been pilots during the war

Continuing with the one of Idígoras Fuentes. “

With several alternatives, we followed the students without losing the sacred fire. After waiting for some pieces of spare part, the “pingüino” was recovered, but it was by few days. We practiced “jumps” the 27 of December of 1916. In order to jump the small plane, in line straight was sent, the tail rose tolo possible, and giving a violent pull to the handle, the apparatus was reared, rising about three or four meters and crossing in flight, about twenty. A pull more violent than the others, híozolo to fall vertically, from about eight meters, followed of a pass with a cape, which I left with traumatic hidratósis in the left knee

"Idígoras Fuentes narrates that 1917 slid without no newness for national Aviation, the earthquake sank it in a paroxysm. Meanwhile, the aeronautics progressed in Europe to passages of giant, impelled by the belligerent countries."


In August of 1918, he arrived at Guatemala a French Military Mission, whose function was to organize the Guatemalan Army, that would march to France, to fight, elbow with elbow, with his allies.
The Captain comprised of her Baron René d'Eynde, ace of French aviation battle. It fought in almost all the fronts, and by their feats, the most valuable French, English decorations Italian and Russian adorned their chest. It had demolished several enemy airplanes and as well, it was demolished in three occasions. Six enemy bullets left in their meats the mark of the heroes.
Neither France nor North America were for granting or distracting one single one of their airplanes. Nevertheless, of the active managements of d'Eynde, they were in favor about embarking three "Breguet-14", that were the last word in the French construction

National Aviation had another collapse, Mister Jerwan and Montanelli retired, tired of struggling in vain.

The exact date of the retirement of Jerwan and Montanelli I have not been able it to establish with clarity, but as it is seen in the photograph; both were together with d'Eynde for a time

The Captain d'Eydne, that was a rational organizer, began to throw to the Director, a certain Ferro, to that threatened make fly it single .......... Mandó to print flight notebooks, and whichever record book was necessary. It requested and it was granted to him, that all the young officials were sent to the aviation school, to select to most apt and of vocation. The selection did it in the “pingüino” and in the “Moissant” Finished the eliminatory one, the embryo of the first squadrons was constructed, who would go to fight by the fueros of the democracy, to skies of Francia.

To all they fascinated the medals to us of the Captain d'Eydne, mainly the French Cross military, in whose strip palmitas of golden metal were placed, by each demolished enemy airplane. The future fighter squadron, we formed Enrique C. Valladares, Julio Pablo Garci'a, Holger Holm, Arturo Castro Rocks and a servant. The bombing one, Ureta, Cemeira, Filiberto Aguilar, Enrique Cifuentes and other many. Mario Ochoa was the Adjutant general of the Captain. Daniel Corado perfilábase like the best one Mecánico.

All already skillful and we were almost tired of jumps, and we only hoped the opportunity to fly single in the “Moisant” (Blériot XI) but, reviewed east apparatus by the Captain, it declared it unsuitable and dangerous. It was in good condition from 1912.

“Commentary to the previous thing: It was here in which Blériot XI finished its days. As I wrote down it previously, there is to have been a magnificent apparatus and nobody accidentó in him. Some people write down that the accident of Jerwan happened in this apparatus, but Idígoras gave one more an explanation than detailed of as it were the event. Naturally which from 1912 to 1921 (that it was when the next airplanes came to Guatemala) the evolution of airplane them was enormous, reason why later generations of Guatemalan pilots would count on apparatuses distintos.

very He finished then to the Blériot his days “would be possible to be said whole number”, after to have probably served for the learning in “Moisant” from 1912, after to have served for Wood and Nannini in the academy training the first litter as students to pilot, who but probably learned if they raised the apparatus like passengers, as also she took Wood to his wife, Nannini to Costa Rican Miss Mariana Invernnizio and that is to say to that other people. After to have served Jerwan to him to train or only to perhaps take to the students of the second litter of students to pilots, within who it was he himself Idígoras and Colonel Enrique Cifuentes to whom conocí.

In the house of my parents the broken helix was conserved by many years that fractured the leg to him to Dante; vestige that I got to know the famous and excellent Blériot

Continuing again with the narration of Idígoras Fuentes. “

Just a short time later the armistice was announced. Veia to begin a new era of peace and hope; we lost very expensive ours and saw disappear the Cross military and its palmitas, together with the much glory that we thought to conquer for the country. Little the Baron survived the armistice. He died in Quetzaltenango of an attack of apendicitis.

A great loss was for Guatemala the death of the Captain d'Eynde. The three airplanes “Breguet 14”, were returned of the wharves to makes it. With his overflowing enthusiasm, its competition and the spirit who had known to inculcar to his students, soon it had had Guatemala of ten to fifteen Pilotos.

National Aviation had another collapse, Mister Jerwan and Montanelli retired, tired to struggle.

in vain The exact date of the retirement of Jerwan and Montanelli I have not been able it to establish with clarity, but as it is seen in the photography; both they were together with d'Eynde tiempo

PHOTOGRAPHS OF: Jerwan, d'Eynde y Montanelli.

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