Collection of Dave Lam

Leblanc & Blériot
Le monoplan Blériot (type "traversée de la Manche")
monté par Alfred Leblanc
Envergure 7m80, longueur 7m, surface portante 15m2, moteur Gnôme 50HP. Hélice intégrale Chauvičre de 2m10 de diamčtre, tournant ŕ 1700 tours. Poids monté 230kg.
Scale 7m80, length 7m, airfoil 15m2, driving Gnôme 50HP. Integral propeller Chauvičre of 2m10 of diameter, turning with 1700 turns. Weight assembled 230kg.
Collection of Denís Fauvel,

Ondrej Kralcak
Ondrej Kralc(ák 1900 - 1978.
Collection of Eugen Kralcak, 5-1-06
Collection of Eugen Kralcak, 5-1-06
For the English Version, click on the title.
Milí priatelia. Menujem sa Eugen Kralc(ák Žijem v obci Presel(any. Narodil som sa v dedine Zázrivá na severe Slovenska v oblasti ktorá sa menuje Orava. Môj strýko Ondrej Kralc(ák 1900 -1978, ked( som mal 17 rokov mi spomínal, že videl on ako 8 roc(ný, letiet( balón Ile de France nad našou dedinou Zázrivá. Balón letel ponad osadu Plešivá, nad miestom Žiar, smerom na osadu Kozinská, a blízky kopec Kozinec, ktorý bol jeho poslednou fázou pretekov a pristátia balóna. Ondrej Kralc(ák spomínal ako posádka poc(as preletu balóna kric(ala na l(udí kopajúcich zemiaky na poli Žiar, slová : "retáá, retáá" Z balóna viseli povrazy a jeden prešiel po ramenách ženy, ktorá bola zohnutá, ked( kopala zemiaky. Balón videlo viac l(udí, lebo letel nízko a stratil sa za kopcom C(rchle, tak že strýc nevidel ten moment, ako posádka bola vyhodená von z koša. Balón bol pre l(udí vel(ké prekvapenie, lebo nic( také ešte nevideli. Strýc spomínal, že to bol balón, nie vzducholod(. Videl ako balón letí rovno do kopca Kozinec, ktorý je za osadou Kozinská. Tam sa zachytil v bukovom nízkom lese, ale o malú chvíl(u ho vietor odtrhol a zmizol v oblakoch. Vtedy kopec Kozinec nemal tol(ko stromov ako dnes. V lese našiel roztratené predmety, výbavu, dokumenty, vc(ítane pištolí, pastier Oláh z blízkeho salaša a odovzdal ich obecnému notárovi. Mad(arské noviny v tom c(ase informovali, že Zázrivc(ania balón vykradli. To bola lož !!!
Zasielam aj dve fotografie. C(íslo 1. je oc(itý svedok Ondrej Kralc(ák. C(íslo 2 je vrch Kozinec, z južnej strany, kde bol balón zachytený pred tým než zmizol v oblakoch. Alfréd Leblanc a jeho spoloc(ník odcestovali vlakom do Francúzka.

Kozinec Hill
vrch Kozinec
Collection of Eugen Kralcak, 5-1-06

Daily Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: August 18, 1910,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 9-4-03
Parisians Forsook Their Beds Early Wednesday Morning,
To Witness Finish of the Cross-Country Race.
Winner's Time For the 485 Miles Traversed Was
11 Hrs., 55 Min., 59 Seconds - Paris, Aug. 17.
     "Half of Paris forsook their beds last night and remained in the streets until morning to watch the conclusion of the great cross-country aviation race, which was won by LeBlanc in a Bleriot monoplane. Emile Aubrun, also in a Bleriot, took second prize, finishing twenty minutes behind the winner, although his total time in completing the course was somewhat longer.
     "LeBlanc's flight from Amiens, some sixty miles, was made in the same superb style as the previous laps in the race. He left Amiens at 5:03 and descended at Issy in the suburbs of Paris, one hour and twenty-eight minutes latwer, making the total time for the 485 miles of the entire flight eleven hours, fifty-five minutes and fifty-nine seconds, an average of nearly forty miles an hour as the crow flies, without making any allowance for detours or for the time spent in battling with the storm in the flight from Mezieres to Douai last Friday.
     "Aubrun, whose time from Amiens was one hour and fifty-one minutes, completed the circuit in thirteen hours, twenty-seven minutes, fourteen seconds. None of the other competitors completed the entire course, though Le Gagneux, who was forced to retire in the early stages of the race, finished with LeBlanc and Aubrun.
     "There was a moment of tumultuous cheering as LeBlanc appeared above Issy in the early dawn and from the height of nearly a quarter of a mile planed down toward the earth and swooped across the line like a giant hawk, alighting with the ease and grace of a big bird.
     "The authorities in expectation of the large crowd, had cordoned the alighting place at Issy with hundreds of police, backed by a regiment of culrassiers of long experience in handling the Parisian crowds. Nevertheless, the spectators in an irresistible gush broke through the line of culrassiers and police and bore the victor on their shoulders to General Brun, the minister of war, who, with his staff and other high officials, had appeared at the finish to welcome the victor. General Brun congratulated LeBlanc heartily in the name of the government. A military band struck up "The Marseillaise," but the music could scarsely be heard above the cheering of the crowd, which was echoed from the housetops throughout the vast city.
Aubrun Arrives
     "Before the cheering for LeBlanc had commenced to die down, Aubrun, in his monoplane, shot into sight at the very point in the sky where LeBlanc had first been seen, and following the victor's wake, crossed the line and made an equally graceful landing, giving fresh impetus to the cheering.
     "In close succession to LeBlanc and Aubrun came LeGagneux and five army officers who had acted as escorts to the contestants in the last stage of the flight, the successful trip of eight aeroplanes across the country simultaneously and under pre-arranged conditions demonstrating to what extent the conquest of the air had been carried.
     "Such a gallery of spectators has never before been seen in Paris, nor has the scene been duplicated at any other place. Eiffel Tower was chosen as a point of vantage by crowds of spectators and the towering steel structure, like the housetops and other elevateed points in the city, was black with people watching the finish through field glasses or with straining eyes. "On the field at Issy, where the aviators finished, 200,000 spectators had gathered, the crowd including Prince Roland Bonaparte, General Dalstein, the military governor of Paris, and hundreds of distinguished men and women, who, when LeBlanc's monoplane was first sighted as a black speck high above the city, were seixed with a perfect delirium.
Dangers of the Course
     "LeGagneux and the military aviators were forced to take landings on the trip from Amiens interfering with their plans to convoy in the winning aeroplanes. LeGagneux, in landing at Issy, broke a wing of his bi-plane.
     "LeBlanc and aubrun agree that the chief difficulty in flying across country is furnished by strong air currents and eddies over valleys and ravines along the course, which often suck down the aeroplanes from 200 to 300 feet without warning in an abrupt drop. During such experiences the aviators were able to keep their places in the machines only by clinging to the levers and framework.
     "Issy was also the goal for the big dirigible balloon Bayard-Clement, which arrived from Creil a short time after the bevy of heavier than air machines had alighted. Its arrival caused a further burst of cheering."
Bob Davis


Daily Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: August 16, 1910,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 9-2-03
     The first aerial race between the birds of nature and of man's production took place in the course of the great cross-country competition and was easily won by man. A flock of forty-seven carrier pigeons was released at Douai yesterday at the same instant that LeBlanc in his Farman bi-plane started from the mark in his 50-mile flight to Amiens. Rushing through the calm air, the bi-plane soon outdistanced the birds and when LeBlanc reached Amiens the flock was not yet in sight, the first pigeon arriving six minutes and twenty seconds after LeBlanc. Before the last of the flock had come in, Le Gagnenx, (Le Gagneux?), who had started at the same time as LeBlanc, but consumed nine minutes more on the trip, arrived, beating the last pigeon by twelve minutes.
     Hubert Latham flew today from Issy Les Molineaux in the suburbs of Paris to Amiens, stopping en route to take lunch with friends at Breteuil. He thereby accomplished practically the last in the cross-country race, a distance of about sixty-eight miles, but in the reverse direction.
     The website you referenced had this entry for the same flight:
     14/08/1910 Flew from Chalon-Paris-Issy. Issy-Chartres. Chartres-Deauville-Harve. Harve-Issy. Issy-Bretenil-27short Amiens. Repair aircraft flew to Amiens. Rights off aircraft at Amiens. 6 days of flying."
Bob Davis
     If you search for "Leblanc +aviation", using the Google search engine, (8-31-03), you will find about 50 links. Among the most helpful are the following.
     In this comprehensive story of the Race, you will find several references to Alfred Leblanc. It also offers a fascinating revue of the race itself, along with references to several other important pioneers. You can access the website by clicking on the title above.
     This is a really monumental work and reflects the keen interest of the author in the career of the pioneer aviator. He has covered the life and career of the aviator from his birth in 1883 to his death in 1912. It is arranged as Part One, The Early Years, Part Two, 1905 to 1909 and Part Three, The Daily Mail Contest. It offers a fascinating story of the man and his times and is complete and comprehensive in all regards. It includes several photographs which are important in their own right.
     Of special interest are several references to Alfred Leblanc. He was associated with Louis Blériot at the time of his successful crossing of the English Channel. To find the two references, you may want to use the "FIND" button on Leblanc. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.
     Although there is only a brief reference to the activities of Leblanc, this article is important to anyone wanting to understand the development of aviation in Italy. The following paragraph was extracted from the article so as to highlight the many pioneer aviators who played a part in its history. It is amply illustrated with seven photographs. I think you will want to read the whole article which details the history from 1909 to 2002.
     "The beginning of the flying activity in Ghedi was in 1909 when in the moor on the border with Montichiari was organized an airshow of international importance which saw the participation of airmen such as Wright, Calderara, Cobianchi, Cagno, Rougier, Curtiss, Moucher, Lebland, (Alfred Leblanc?), Anzani and Blériot, who won the "Brescia Grand Prize" flying 50 Km. in 49.24" with a biplane aircraft, while Curtiss won the height race reaching 92 metres. Among the spectators were numbered the Princess Letizia Savoy Bonaparte, Franz Kafka, who acted as foreign correspondent for a newspaper, and Gabriele d'Annunzio, who flew as passenger on Wright's airplane and that would later make of aviation one of his greatest passions (very famous remained his "Flight over Vienna")."
     To access the site, just click on the title above.
Le monoplan Blériot (type "traversée de la Manche") monté par Alfred Leblanc
     This page, on the website of Denís Fauvel, is one of ten pages, each of which offers many images of postcards which feature pioneer French aviators. On it you will find two images of Legagneux, one showing the Sommer model aeroplane in which he flew, which you see at the top of this page, the other of an accident he suffered during "Le circuit de l'Est." Among the other eight images on the page are postcards showing various aeroplanes flown by Aubrun, Curtiss, Contenet and Tétard,
     This is a really remarkable resource and you should plan to visit each of the other nine pages so as to enjoy the many other postcards. . My sincere thanks go to Denís for his courtesy in allowing me to use images from his website to enhance the pages on this site. You can access his site by clicking on the title above.
via email from Don Fiore - 9-1-03
     In addition to Ghedi, other very early but important Italian airfields included Centocelle (Rome) where Wilbur Wright gave his first Italian demonstration), Gioa De Colle, & Aviano (still used today by the United States).

L'aviateur LEBLANC sur monoplan Blériot
Collection of Dave Lam

     This postcard is one of several in the collection of Ian Sayer. As you can see, it bears the autographs of five of the contemporaries of LeBlanc. Unfortunately, neither Ian nor I have been able to identify the signatures. If you recognize any of them, please contact us. Thank you very much.
Collection of Ian Sayer, 10-13-06
Alfred Leblanc
Edouard Perryon
George Chavez
Josef Latzel?
French License

According to some pieces of information found on a specialized French forum, Alfred Leblanc was born on April, 13th 1869 in Paris and died in 1921.
Personal communication from Adrien Tousch
Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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