If you search for "Bruce G. Leighton", using the Google search engine, (10-10-07), you will find about 58 links. Among the most interesting to me are the following. If you are interested, you will find a wealth of information by sampling some of the other links.

     You will find mention of Lt. Bruce Leighton in the story of Captain George W. Steele, on the Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner website. You may access the site by clicking on the title above.
     You can use your "Find" function on "Leighton" to find his place in the story. If time permits, you may want to read the whole story of Admiral Turner

Faculty Club Hears Talk by Mr. Bruce G. Leighton
     "The Present Limits of Aviation" was the subject of a lecture given by Mr. Bruce G. Leighton before a luncheon meeting of the Faculty Club in the Faculty Dining Room, last Wednesday noon. "(2-8-1929)
     This is a very helpful article which you can read in its entirety by clicking on the title above. You may want to us your FIND function on "Leighton" to locate the article on the page.

CNAC CEO Col. Wong Tsu

"June 3, 2007
     I am editing the papers and photographs of my grandfather Captain Bruce G Leighton who was vice president of CAMCO and Intercontinent Corporation in China 1937-1939. Colonel Wong Tsu worked with my grandfather because the colonel was the chief government representative at the factories and seems to have remained so from the factory's first location at Hankow to its eventual transfer to Loiwing at the top of the Burma Road in 1939.
     I have posted on Dan Ford's website ( a photograph taken by my grandfather that I believe shows Wong Tsu in the middle wearing a dark cut away suit. the picture I believe was taken at the time of the opening of the Loiwing factory in 1939. You will see in the picture, Bill Pawley the president of CAMCO/Intercontinent on the far left at the back ( black hair, white shirt) and on the far right in shorts, wearing a tie, C.W. Hunter the top manager of the Loiwing factory. Others in the photo include ed Pawley, brother of Bill (third from right)
     I would be very interested to be able to identify all of the Chinese in this photograph.
I very much look forward to your eventual response
kind regards
Eugenie Buchan
102 St John's Hill
London SW11 1SH"

     You can see the results of her inquiry by clicking on the title above.

Aviation year Book

Product Details
Used Price: Various
Publisher: Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc., NY
From the Project Manager:
The Aircraft Year Book Project, started on 25 July, 2003, is an online archive of the Aircraft Year Books published by the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America Inc. The Aircraft Year Books are an excellent primary source of information for researchers in the field of aviation history. The series starts in 1919 and continues up into the early 1960s. Although the books are not particularly rare, it can be difficult to obtain access to the books and it can be quite expensive to buy an entire set. Because of the value of the information that the books provide, and due to the difficulty of obtaining access to these books, the Aviation History Online Museum is creating an online archive of the Aircraft Year Books.

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