Jimmie Mattern
Just Before takeoff on 'Round-The-World' Solo Flight
June 13, 1933
Photo Courtesy of Bill Kirchner
by email from Jack Mattern

     Jimmie wrote a trilogy of his flying experiences under the title "Cloud Country."
Book 1 was: 'Wings of Youth,'
Book 2 was: 'Hawaii to Hollywood,'
Book 3 was: 'Lost in Siberia.'
published by the Pure Oil Company for listeners to the Radio Show, 'The Diary of Jimmie Mattern.'
  Cloud 1 Cloud 2  
Book One & Book Two
Collection of Bill Kirschner, 9-1-05

Jimmie Mattern
Cloud 3
Mattern's Famous World Flight
Story Will be Told for the First Time in Book Three.
Photo Courtesy of Bill Kirchner
Book Three
Collection of Laura Badtke, 6-28-05

     If you search for "Jimmie Mattern", using the Google search engine, (7-30-06), you will find about 331 links! Perhaps the most helpful is the following.
Guide to the James J. "Jimmie Mattern" Collection
     This pdf file on the website of the Special Collections Department, McDermott Library, The University of Texas at Dallas, offers a very comprehensive and detailed biography of his life and career. It is especially valuable in that it revues many of his attempts at breaking records. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.

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