Long Beach letterhead
  Long Beach Directors
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The starter's time will be taken as each entrant crosses the
     starting line, whether on the ground or in the air.
The free-for-all on December 25th will be over a triangular
     course of approximately 20 miles. Five laps will
     complete the race. Turning points will be designated,
     and all pilots must take turns at an altitude of not
     over 500 feet. The turning point at the tournament
     grounds will be the starting line, which will also be
     the finish line. The line must be crossed on the
     completion of each lap, then pilot turns to right.
            Finish of the race:

               After crossing finish line at an altitude of not over 500 feet
                    for the fifth time, completing the race, proceed on a
                    straight line and climb to 2000 feet altitude, then turn
                    and await favorable opportunity to land.

               In landing after finish of the race, approach from the east
                    as heretofore, taxi across finish line to southwest corner
                    of the field and park alongside of previously arrived plane
                    facing wire fence.

               Observers will report cutting corners on turning points.

               Final instructions will be given pilots previous to the start of
                    the race.

               Officials will be in attendance at the field form 10 a.m.,
                    December 24th.

               Pilots must secure tickets of admission and for mechanics.
                    Please apply for them in writing, and mention mail address.

               The same rules govern the handicap race, except that the distance
                    flown is 60 miles, three laps.


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