
AKA Lilly Steinschneider
Lili Steinschneider
Lili Steinschneider
Collection of Dave Lam, 2-20-05

  Family Research
Hungarian Version
Hungarian National Archives Köbánya Aeroport

Translated from the Hungarian
by Szidonia Haragos, 12-10-06
Steinschneider Lilly, Countess of Coudenhove-Kalerg (born Budapest, 1891, January 13 - died Nizza, 1977) the first woman pilot of Hungary and, at the same time, of the Austrio-Hungarian Monarchy. She decided to become a pilot at the international aviation contest which took place in Budapest during the summer of 1910. She studied aviation at Wienerneustadt. She received the Nr. 4. aviation certificate on August 15, 1912. She was immediately hired by an Austrian aviation firm. She took part in various domestic and Austrian aviation contest and parades. She got married in 1914 and moved to her husband's residence in Czechia (nowadays Czech Republic). She quit aviation. She lived a secluded life in the aftermath of WWII in the South of France. - Reference: Woman and Society (1911. September 1)

  Steinschneider Lilly, Coudenhove-Kalergi grófné (Bp., 1891. jan. 13. - Nizza, 1977): Magyarország, egyben az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia elsó nói pilótája. A Bp.-en 1910 nyarán rendezett nemzetközi repülóversenyen határozta el, hogy pilóta lesz. Wienerneustadtban végezte el a pilótatanfolyamot. A 4. számú pilótaigazolványt 1912. aug. 15-én kapta. Egy osztrák aviatikai vállalkozás azonnal alkalmazta. Különbözó hazai és ausztriai repülóbemutatókon, versenyeken vett részt. 1914-ben házasságot kötött és férje cseho.-i lakóhelyére költözött. A repülést abbahagyta. A II. világháború után visszavonultan élt D-Franciao.-ban. - Irod. A Nó és a Társadalom (1911. szept. 1.).
Editor's Note: This original reference to Lilly was provided by Dave Lam. We are very grateful to Szidonia Haragos for translating it from the Hungarian into English.

If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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