DAILY-------------------THE DULUTH NEWS TRIBUNE -------------------JULY 29, 1915.

Webster's Engine Stalls Half Mile
High at Langdon but He
Volplanes to Safety

     Harry Webster, Duluth aviator, making an exhibition flight at Langdon, N. D., last week, had a narrow escape from possible death or serious injury when his aeroplane engine stalled at a height of 2,500 feet, forcing him to volplane to earth at great speed.
     Webster, with Stanley Storer, son of Dr. W. S. Storer, 210 Sixty-first avenue East, as his assistant, is making a tour of the Dakotas, giving exhibitions at fairs and agricultural celebrations.
     At Langdon, according to Webster's letter to his brothers, Fred and Victor Webster of Duluth, after engine trouble, which occurred when he was up 2,500 feet, he was forced to land in a field six miles away from the point of exhibition. Then he hurried to the city in an automobile, returned with gasoline and continued his flight, with only a half hour's delay. Webster last week made two record flights, covering 40 miles in 35 minutes and on another occasion made a cross =-country flight at 65 miies an hour.


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