1671 Merritt Street
1671 Merritt Street, Turlock, CA - 1965
       After about two years, in the short span of a few months, we bought a new house, a new car, and Jo presented me with a baby boy, Stephen on September 17, 1965.
     When I graduated from the Veterinary School in Davis, I immediately bought a 1961 Ford Falcon. It suited my needs in the beginning, but proved to be inadequate for my new family. So, I traded it in for a 1965 Ford, which you can see in the picture. Our first house on Pedros road was very small, a living room, a kitchen and one bedroom with a bath. Big enough for the two of us, but much too small for the three of us. So, with the help of a Cal-Vet loan, we moved into a two-bedroom home, one room for us and a nursery for Stephen.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1965
"Mama" & Stephen
Enjoying the sun in our backyard
       Jo wrote, "In August, 1949 I went to Turlock to stay with my folks until 6 weeks after Cathy was born. Dr. Ellefson was my doctor (in fact he was my doctor for Peggy and even for Stephen all those many years later.)
     Cathy was born August 20, 1949. Nancy Mansfield, John's cousin - Auntie Emily's daughter, came to be with me. She told me afterwards that she was scared to death because the baby was so blue at first. They gave me lots and lots of ether. The day after the baby was born, a nurse came in to see me - "We gave you enough ether to put a horse out. I'm just surprised to see you today."
     Happily, Jo's pregnancy with Steve went very smoothly, if prolonged. As it was with her first two girls, Jo carried Steve for ten months. She was not very amused when I told her that ten months was the normal duration of pregnancy for cows. I can still remember bringing Steve home in the little cardboard carrier and taking him into our new home for the first time. It was one of the best days of our life and will never be forgotten.

Jo's Daughters Visit Us - 1965
Cathy Hunt
Peggy Hunt & Ralph
       I don't remember how it came to happen, but this was the first time I had the opportunity to meet Jo's daughters, after we married in December, 1963. It was in September of 1965 and Cathy was 16 years old. Peggy was 15 and Steve was just a baby. Shortly thereafter, Cathy left for Atlanta, Georgia where she attended the Grady Hospital, School of Nursing. She graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1969.  

Peggy Visits her Brother - 1967
Stephen Cooper & Peggy Hunt
       This was one of the other infrequent occasions on which we saw either of the girls. It was in September of 1967 and Steve was just two years old. I don't remember if Cathy was with Peggy or was still in Atlanta, Georgia in school. This was during my guitar playing phase.  

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