Pops Keller
Photo from Lester Bishop's Album
Courtesy of David Balanky
     If you search for "Henry C. Keller" +aviation, using the Google search engine, (11-8-07), you will find about 94 links. Among the most helpful are the following.
Origin, Operation, Obscurity and Legacy - 1891 to 1916
     You will find numerous references to "Keller" on this superb website assembled by Carroll Gray. I suggest that you use your "FIND" function on the computer to find all of the entries. If time permits, you will probably want to read the entire, fascinating story. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.
American airplanes: Pa - Pu
     This page offers desciptions and photos of three planes, the Partridge-Keller #1, the Partridge-Keller Bi-Plane and the Partridge-Keller Trainer. You can access the page by clicking on the title above.
American airplanes: Ka - Ku
     You will find a description of his Octoplane on KO Ecklund's Aerofile website. You can access this page by clicking on the title above.

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