Wood in Guatemala
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08

from Bart Furey, 7-19-08
Hello Mr. Ralph Cooper,
     Grandfather Wood was very reserved about his exploits, we knew only that he was an early flyer and he and Grandmother were married in Central America. Our parents filled in some of the blanks over the years, and there is a silver trophy cup for third place in an aerial race. Our parents have passed, twenty years now and I still miss them so. And then the photographs!
     I took the liberty of attaching some photo scans from the albums, and two that reflect how much Grandfather Wood and my parents influenced my love of aviation. I believe the wedding took place in the Presidential Palace, El Presidente giving away the bride. The lower right photo, "Through Moisant Fuselage", I think, shows the Presidential compound under the tail of the Moisant in flight. There is another photo of “Mona”, good friend, co-pilot, and dog.
     My Father arranged travel in a Boeing 707 for Clyde Murvin Wood (about 1960) so He had flown at fifty knots in 1913 and 500 knots in 1960. What a life.
Sincerely, Bart Furey

  Vol. 4 No. 12
25 Cents a Copy  
Moisant Guatemala
       The picture above is a reproduction of the Moisant military monoplane, built for and recently shipped to the Government of Guatemala, which country has engaged C. Murvin Wood of the Moisant Aviation School, to supervise the organization and instruction of a military aviation corps. This machine with a 79 H. P. motor has developed a speed of over 70 miles an hoiur, has reeached an altitude of 8,000 fr.k had flown in a 32-mile wind and has left the ground in 96 ft. from the starting point.

An American Made Machine Exported to a Central
American Government

Moisant military monoplane in Flight - 5-5-1914
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08

Aerial View
To Rear of Wing
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08
Aerial View
Through Moisant Fuselage
"I think, shows the Presidential compound under the tail of the Moisant in flight."
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08


C.M. Wood & Mona
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08

C.M. Wood & Mona
Collection of Bart Furey, 7-19-08

C. Murvin Wood & his dog Mona
C. Murvin Wood & his dog Mona
Library of Congress Collection, 12-2-07

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