with the water could be plainly heard from a quarter of a mile. The wings were seen to crumple and then the machine slowly sank beneath the waters of the bay, the tail being the last to disappear.
Instantly Killed Belief
     That Lieutenant Taliaferro either was instantly killed by the shock of impact or else rendered unconscious by his rapid fall, is the belief of Army aviators. They based their opinion on the fact that the aviator made no attempt to unbuckle the strap which held him in securely to his seat in the enclosed body of the tractor, and to scramble to temporary safety on top of the upper wing.
     The machine struck while the engine was still running, a section of
the propeller, which struck the water at the same instant as the left end of the upper wing, being sheared off. It is believed that the engine became unseated at the moment of impact and that Lieutenant Taliaferro was crushed between the.heavy motor and the back of the enclosed body.The exact cause of death, however, will not be known until the body is recovered.
Launches Rush to Rescue
     A fleet of steam launches from the cruiser San Diego soon were on the scene of the accident, followed by the signal corps patrol launch Pronto, which, owing to someone's failure to fill the fuel tanks, was unable to leave the North Island dock until too late to render assistance to the stricken
     Dragging operation began at 11:30 o'clock and continued without interruption all day and night. First Class Gunner's Mate J. Seagraves, R. Jackson, F. E. Williams and I. F. Krantz each took turns during the afternoon in attempting to locate the wecked aeroplane by walking along the bay bottom while equipped in diving suits.
     Just before sunset, Gunner's Mate Krantz came to the surface with a piece of the aeroplane's wing and propeller and at one time grappling hooks obtained an insecure hold. The swift tide, however, dashed all hopes by swinging the aeroplane down the channel before the officers could be
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