Almonacid in Group
Collection of Marcelo Parravicini, 7-12-04
Collection of Georg v. Rauch,
Courtesy of Arne L. Brunner, 12-16-07

via email from André Louis Maurois, 10-16-05
     While navigating the Internet in search of a decent photo of Almonacid, for a short article l prepared for an Argentine web site , l came accross your web-site, and noted your comment
     The dates of his birth and death are unknown to me at this time.
     Almonacid was born on 25 December 1882 at the city of Todos los Santos de la Nueva Rioja and died in poverty in Buenos Aires on 16 December, 1953
     Perhaps you are familiar with a newsreel taken in Paris on November 1918, after the armistice-if f you are you might have noticed an aircraft that flew repeatedly under the bridges over the Seine..The pilot was none other than Almonacid.
André Louis Maurois

Vicente Almandos Almonacid: El Condor riojano
by André Louis Maurois, 10-16-05
Voluntarios argentinos han participado practicamente en todos los conflictos de fines del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX. Como ejemplos, debo mencionar la Guerra Civil en los EEUU, (1861-65) la Guerra del Pacifico (1879-830, la Guerra Hispano Americna (1898), la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18), en la cual participaron mas de 60.000 voluntarios procedentes de la Argentina, entre los que contaban argentinos nativos y extranjeros residentes en el pais. En la decada de 1920, varios centenares de argentinos se alistaron con el ejército español durante las guerras en Africa del Norte, y en la Legion Extranjera Española, otros sirvieron en las filas del Ejército Republicano durante la guerra civil española (1936-39) Otro tanto ocurrio en la 2a. Guerra Mundial. (1)
"Argentine volunteers have participated practicamente in all the conflicts of half-full aims of century XIX and of century XX. Like examples, I must mention the Civil War in the U.S.A., (1861-65) the War of Pacifico (1879-830, the Hispanic War Americna (1898), World War I (1914-18), in which they participated but in 60,000 volunteers coming from the Argentina, between which foreign residents in pais told native Argentineans and. In the decada one of 1920, several hundreds of Argentineans got ready with the Spanish army during the wars in Africa of the North, and in the Spanish Foreign legion, others served in the rows as the Republican Army during the Spanish civil war (1936-39) The same ocurrio in à. World war." (1)
     If you read Spanish, and want to read the rest of this article which offers substantial information on the life and career of Almonacid, click on the title above.

Almonacid Song
Contributed by Danny Crew, 2-17-12

     If you search for "Vicente Almandos Almonacid +aviation"using Google, (10-17-05), you will find about 92 links. Many of them are in foreign languages, but machine-translations are often available directly from the Google entry.
     This webpage offers a very comprehensive revue of Almonacid's life and career. The original version is in French. You can access the page by clicking on the title above.
     If you need the article in English, you can obtain a machine-translation by clicking on:
English Version

     This webpage offers a very helpful biography of Almonacid, but the original version is in French. You can access the page by clicking on the title above.
     If you need the article in English, you can obtain a machine-translation by clicking on:
English Version

       Vicente Almandos Almonacid died in poverty in Buenos Aires on 16 December, 1953.
via email from André Louis Maurois, 10-16-05

Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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