Antonio Borello
Antonio Borello
Collection of Ing. Iriberto Julio Cena, 8-6-05
via email from Ing. Iriberto Julio Cena,
La Plata ( Pcia de Buenos Aires) Argentina, 8-3-05
Dear Ralph:
     Te comento que estoy escribiendo sobre la historia de la aviación civil en mi ciudad ( ¡¡ que comienza en 1905 !!) y un capítulo muy importante, ya en 1910, lo protagoniza Borello al construir el primer biplano argentino y latinoamericano, en realidad el segundo, pero el primero no llega a volar.
     Escribo en la revista LV (Lima-Victor) dedicada a la aviación civil argentina.
Quedo a tus órdenes
Un abrazo
English Version
Dear Ralph: .....
     I want to mention to you that I am writing on the history of civil aviation in my city, which began in 1905. Already in 1910, a very important chapter was being written by Borello when he constructed the first Argentine and Latin American biplane. In reality it was the second plane which flew, for the first one wasn't able to fly.
     I write in the LV magazine, (Lima-Victor), which is dedicated to Argentine civil aviation.
I await your orders
An embrace
via email from Ing. Iriberto Julio Cena,
La Plata ( Pcia de Buenos Aires) Argentina, 8-6-05
     Antonio Borello was born in Regione di Piamonte, (maybe in Torino), on August 16, 1887. He was an engineer, an advanced pupil of Professor Aristide Faccioli.
When I complete the investigation, it will be a pleasure share it with you.
Best Regards
  Editor's Note: Professor Aristide Faccioli was a noted engineer in Italy. Among other things, he designed the first Fiat. You can find a number of links to his story by using Google. One of the most interesting is:
Avion Italie 38 : Biplanino Faccioli (Italia)

     If you search for "Borello +aviador", using the Google search engine, (8-04-05), you will find about 10 of 22 links. Only one of these appears to be relevant.
Diccionario Biográfico Italo-Argentino
Italo-Argentino Biographical Dictionary
     On this website, you will find a brief biography of Borello. The article, which I have extracted below, is in Spanish.
Ingeniero, Aviador. Nació en Toscana. Fue uno de los pioneiros de la aviacíon en la Argentina. En 1911, Fundó en la ciudad de La Plata (Buenos Aires) la primera academia de aviación, en la que se adiestraron entre otros, el oficial de la marina de guerra argentina Oitaven y los hermanos José y Gerardo Artigau, que estuvieron al servico de la compañiá Air France."

     For those of my visitors who don't read Spanish, I have appended the following translated version.
Engineer, Aviator. He was born in Toscana. He was one of the pioneers of aviation in Argentina. In 1911, he founded in the city of La Plata, (Buenos Aires), the first academy of aviation, in which were trained among others, the official of Argentine Naval Aviation, Oitaven, and the Jose and Gerald Artigau brothers, who were in the service of the Air France company."
You can access the site by clicking on the title above.

I don't know either his date of birth or of death.
Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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