I need a picture of Marques. If you can help, please contact me.


     If you search for "Cicero Marques" using Google, you will find about three links, including one of mine. One which refers briefly to his early attempts at flying is the following.
Turismo Informativo
Seu Portal de Turismo
     If you read Portuguese, you can visit the site by clicking on the title. If you are using Google and prefer to read the article in English, you can access a machine translation directly from the search engine.
     You might want to use your FIND function on "Marques" to locate the entry in the long article.
História da Aviação no Estado de São Paulo
(History of Aviation in the State of São Paulo)
It was on the site devoted to:
O Grupamento de Radiopatrulha Aérea (GRPAe)
(The Aerial Radio Patrol Group)

     If you read Portuguese, I invite you to visit the sites by clicking on the titles. If you are using Google and prefer to read the article in English, you can access a translation directly from the search engine. For your convenience, I have added an extract of the whole article below.
History of Aviation in the State of São Paulo
On December 17, 1913, the Aviation branch of the Public Force of São Paulo was born officially, through the First School of Military Aviation, whose first headquarters were at the Guapira Field, having Eduardo Pacheco Chaves (Edu Chaves) and Cícero Marques as instructors.
     The lack of trained technicians and supply problems resulting from the ending of the First World War, made it impractical to maintain this first nucleus, so that the Paulista Public Force only recovered it wings in 1919, having the Northamerican Orton W. Hoover as instructor.
     The new headquarters was already established at the Marte Field and the initial steps, made with determination, bore fruit so that by 1920 landing fields started to appear in some cities in the interior, such as Bragança Paulista and Guaratinguetá. However, because of internal problems and politics, a new crisis arose which caused the closing of the Public Force hangars in the beginning of 1922.....

The date of his death is unknown.

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